On the night of farewell and prom-night, we fetch our drinking water a little earlier than our usual times. If we delay, we know that after that, we are gonna be thirsty for the entire night. The reason? Seniors!
On such occasions, the seniors come drunk and ask for huge supply of water. They feel too thirsty that that population of 240 eventually drink as much water that the entire water tank becomes empty. To avoid that water crisis for us, we quietly get water for us at that time when the function is going on.
Why do people after getting drunk ask for more liquids to consume?
The body releases a hormone, ADH (short of Anti Diuretic Hormone) from the pituitary gland. The hormone is produced in Hypothalamus. It is responsible to make the urine very concentrated under the circumstances when body is short of water. It reabsorbs the water from the urine formed before ejecting out of the body. The very basic symptom of having water shortage in the body is increase in the intensity of yellow color of urine. It is due to less percentage of water and thus making the urine concentrated with urobilins, a breakdown product of bilirubin.
Alcohol does just opposite to ADH. It halts the absorbing of water from the urine and cause the excessive loss of water through micturation (the process of urination). Thus, it cause the drain of potassium ions and cause thirst.
A person was having dehydration. In a party, his friends forced him to drink. He was assured that alcohol itself is a liquid and liquids are nice to consume under dehydration. Already, he was short of fluids in body due to dehydration, and over that, alcohol showed its effect of being diuretic. This caused him critical loss of water and next morning, he was found dead.
People with any kind of drinks like Bear, whisky etc after consumption are seen to have excessive urination and it is advised to drink as much water as possible after you are drunk.
Tech Fact: Urea is formed in liver and not in Kidneys. The process is known as Citruline-Ornithine cycle.
Tech Fact: When liver fails to decrease bilirubin level in blood, body becomes pale, a condition known as jaundice.
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